Best Canning Salsa Recipe

11:54 Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

The blog above has the best salsa recipe I have ever used. I love the stuff, so if you are thinking about canning your own and need a good recipe, this is it!

The terrible un-vegan day

21:46 Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »
This is just a personal experience...

We went to Disney World for the last four days and in an effort to eat healthy food I packed 80% of the food I ate every day. What I packed was all vegan. However, I underestimated the amount and I had to order one meal a day. Still, I did pretty good and I felt good while we were there. All of the walking I did probably displaced the food I ordered.

On our last day we left about 6pm and everyone was starving. My husband needs a ton of food because his metabolism is insanely high so we decided to go to a popular buffet. I haven't eaten at one for the last 7 months because the likelihood of there being vegan options is slim. So I ate rice, salad, vegetables and then tried a few bites of some of the desserts even though I knew they were not vegan. I didn't actually eat a large quantity of food.

About 30 minutes after we were back on the road I felt so full of chemicals, it was terrible. I was in an "additive" induced twilight sleep the rest of the way home and I felt bad. I decided to drink lots of juice the next day to flush out some of the junk.

So this morning I did just that. I flushed out toxins and I was feeling better. And then the cravings hit. I always crave pizza when I am detoxing and then my husband comes home with some for dinner. I resisted for a half hour and then devoured a few slices of cheese pizza without taking the cheese off.

I was transported back to the way I felt in High School all the time. I ate school lunches every day and felt terrible every day, I didn't realize what was doing it back then. Since I have been vegan I didn't notice how much better I was feeling until yesterday and tonight when I went back "to the dark side" of food.

It's horrible to feel full of preservatives and chemicals. I went back into that food induced coma for a little while. 6 hours later I still feel exhausted, I am feeling very full, and I still want to eat. That's the chemicals talking, they lead to more cravings. I now want to eat yellow cake with chocolate frosting. I refuse to eat it because I want to end this cycle and feel good tomorrow!

So learn from my mistake: Make good choices and you will feel so much better!