Raw spin on a wrap sandwich (Recipe!)

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Another raw win! This recipe was so simple I just have to share it. I used another raw veggie tortilla.

To make the tortilla
, take the meat of a young thai coconut and blend it up with 4 cups of veggies, spread it out on Paraflexx sheets, 1 cup per sheet and dehydrate 12-24 hours depending on where you live, humidity comes into play. Temp at or about 115 if you want it to retain enzymes, higher if it doesn't matter to you and time is important.

And the filling was a simple bruschetta recipe with spinach and seasonings.



6-8 cherry tomatoes, diced (about a half cup for one sandwich)
pinch salt
1 tsp (or more to taste) basil, dried or fresh
pinch black pepper
1 tsp olive oil

Mix it all together and voila! If you are making bruschetta to top bread slices with you can increase the recipe, and don't mix in the oil, you drizzle the oil on the topped slices in the end. It may not seem like a big deal, but it makes a difference.

The rest of the filling was 1 cup spinach, chopped and tossed with 1/2 tsp garlic granules and 1 tsp balsamic vinegar.

I took the veggie tortilla, folded it in half and topped it off and rolled it up. It was delicious AND completely made out of veggies! Veggies have seriously never been more satisfying.