Raw food and Raw Doughnuts

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I am trying to figure out how to eat to be fulfilled and be my healthiest me. I am currently vegan, moving toward whole food vegan. I am also learning a lot about raw eating and considering it. I might do a blend of the two, I feel good when I am macrobiotic, and I feel good when I eat raw. I know I don't like to label myself strictly so who knows what I will end up doing. I need to find something that suits me that I can continue doing for a lifetime. Something that promotes health and helps me maintain a healthy weight without a lot of fuss. Becoming vegan was not the answer, though it's much healthier that I was before, there is something more for me.

For now I am experimenting with both and trying to find my place. It's hard. I have so many cravings that try to undo me.

Here is one of the treats I have discovered along the way so far. It's based on a recipe I found in a free online raw food cookbook, I can't find the direct link, but I found it on this page. I modified it slightly to include pumpkin which I have an abundance of currently.

Raw Harvest Doughnuts

1 c milled flax seeds (or mill them yourself)
1/2 c pumpkin processed until smooth. Or used canned, but it won't be 100% raw.
1/4 c sucanat
Spices to taste (I used Pumpkin Pie Spice)

Mix together, roll into balls, flatten slightly and add a hole.

I dusted them with cinnamon and a sprinkle of sugar for my son to make it look more appealing. You can make a quick glaze to turn them into proper looking doughnuts.

Taiten, my 6 year old, is the pickiest child I have met and he ate 3 small ones and is asking for more. I am honestly in shock, but so grateful that he likes them!