Whole Meal Muffins aka Food Storage Muffins

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I have been going muffin crazy for a month or so, muffins are so easy and good, and they can even be healthy. I have been trying to get more nutrition in my kids and I think this is a great way to do it.

DO NOT preheat the oven.

I use a blendtec to grind wheat, you can also just use flour if you don't have a wheat grinder.

3/4 c oats

3/4 c whole wheat

3/4 c sugar or sucanat (any granulated sweetener)

Then choose between

3/4 c dehydrated carrots, 3/4 cup cream of wheat, 3/4 cup bran cereal or wheat germ.

Put it in the blendtec and blend on 9 for 50 seconds, if you use cream of wheat don't blend it, add it to the dry ingredients after blending. Empty contents into a bowl. Add to the dry ingredients:

1 1/4 Tablespoons baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

3/4 c hydrated beans (pinto and garbanzo are good)

3/4 c almond milk, juice or water

3/4 c olive oil (if you want to substitute, use at least 1/2 c oil

Then pick from at least two, or all three of the following:

1 c sweet potato, squash, pumpkin etc, cooked or steamed.

1/2 c veggies (i.e. celery, radish, hominy, water chestnuts, or anything that strikes your fancy)

1/2 c fruit (i.e. half of a banana, pear, apple, fruit cocktail or anything you want)

Blend all the ingredients on 5, or until smooth, completely smooth. The wet ingredients should be the consistency of cake batter, add water if it's too thick and blend again.

Add to the dry ingredients and mix. If you want to, add some cinnamon, pumpkin pie seasonings, ginger etc.

Let set for a minute or two to let the carrots hydrate and divide into muffin cups. These muffins don't need paper, they don't stick. These make 12 muffins and 12 mini muffins.

Put in a cold oven, set to 350 for 18-20 minutes.

Tip: If you plan to omit the oil, don't, they will stick and if you try to use muffin liners they won't come off. You can do 1/4 cup apple sauce and 1/2 cup oil, but you will need a minimum of 1/2 cup oil.

These are really cool because these are made primarily from LDS church food storage, the stuff you can get at a church cannery. Wheat, carrots, sugar, oats, beans, and you could do apple slices for your fruit, all from food storage.

My kids eat the entire batch in a half hour.