A simple cleanse for everyone

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I just finished my first real cleanse today. I did the Dr. Christopher's Three Day Cleanse, which you can find here.

It's basically just drinking specific juices and steam distilled water for three days and if you are starving you can eat the fruit of the juice you are drinking. They recommend organic apple juice because apples have more beneficial properties that other fruits.

You start each day with 16 oz. of prune juice, followed by apple juice and water. You alternate between apple juice and water all day and the next day you start with the prune juice again. It's the same for all three days. For a more complete description go to the link above.

I had an easy time doing it so I don't think my results are typical. I had a lot of faith in the process so if I felt uncomfortable I just went with it and I think my positive attitude went a long way. Here is how it worked for me.

Day 1: I wasn't hungry at all. I thought I would be starving so I stocked up on apples to eat and I didn't touch one. I would recommend staying at home for the first day, I ran to the bathroom a lot eliminating toxins.

Day 2: Still didn't get hungry. I had to go to the bathroom a lot still, but not as much. I didn't experience any cramping or pain. I got light headed by the end of the day and went to bed early, about 9pm.

Day 3: Didn't get hungry until the end of the day and I snacked on fresh fruit. I was light headed and stayed indoor to be out of the heat most of the day. I laid around a lot. I didn't have any cramps or anything, I'm feeling lighter and better. I noticed that since I've had only fruit sugars for three days that actual fruit tastes sweeter to me than before. I had more cravings than ever before for things like pizza and cheese. I have heard that you crave what you are detoxing so that makes sense. You can store toxins for years and years so it's possible to crave something you haven't eaten since you were a kid even.

Day 4: Today I am incorporating foods back into my diet. I started out with grapes for breakfast and salad for lunch. Only eat fruits and vegetables for the day to get your stomach ready to digest foods again. I noticed that I don't need as much food, but I am also feeling nervous about how my body is going to handle food after only digesting liquids. I got a small cramp or two while eating but it passed without a problem.

Dr. Christopher's next step is to follow a mucusless diet which means to not eat any foods that cause your body to make mucus. It's a hard diet to follow and I don't know if I can do it long term but I'm going to give it a few days and see how it feels. In the very least I want to make 75% of my eating mucusless and continue to do the three day fast a few times a year.

The beauty of this cleanse is it's for everyone. People who cleanse every month to newbies to the cleansing world (like me!).

I want to make a note here: Some people can experience a huge degree of discomfort while detoxing. I don't know why I had it so easy. I don't think I have less toxins than other people. Maybe mine are deep seated and will come out the next time I cleanse or later this week. Whatever happens I'll let you know. If you do this cleanse and you have a lot of pain, that's ok, it's to be expected. I encourage you to keep trying and trust the process. Pain means there is a problem, pain itself is not the problem. Once you fix the problem the pain will leave.


Britta said...

I forgot to mention that I lost 5 pounds through out the three days.

Some of the mucus causing foods include: Flour and anything made with it, all dairy, sugar, meats and eggs.

That is why it would be so hard to follow. You are allowed honey so the rule isn't about sweeteners of all kinds, but still, it would be a bit hard to do that diet cold turkey, or should I say tofu? Unless there was a serious situation where you are willing to try anything. When my daughter was a baby she was sensitive to wheat so I had to live completely wheat (gluten) free for 8 months until she could tolerate it and it wasn't hard because I had a good reason. Giving up wheat right now is harder for me.

David said...

it is amazing what you can do when you are doing it for the "right" reasons. it's like that's how you know it's the right reason, because it all works out...
sometimes I wonder that's why so many things don't work out also, because there's something wrong about it.

it's deeper than just things working out or not working out... it feels right and you know what to do and it seems to brighten your way in other areas.

sorry, I seem to have latched on that one aspect.

Brandon and Lesli said...

I am done nursing (sob sob sob) and am finally feeling ready to do a cleanse - so I was so excited to see this - it looks like one I could really do and stick with. I'm so glad you posted!

Britta said...

It's so sad to be done nursing! I still get sad about it sometimes. Before you do it I suggest reading all you can about it, the more informed you are and the more reasons to do it, the easier it will be and the more you will stick with it!

Dave, I agree with you, the more right a choice is the easier it is to do it. I am following the mucusless diet still and rarely eat something not on the list and it's not even hard. I've said that when it becomes hard I'll stop doing it but for now it's still easy. And we just drove half way across the country and I was able to keep it up. For now it's right.