Same juice cleanse, for the second time

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I recently got back from a vacation where I didn't have the opportunity to easily eat as I wanted to so I decided to do the cleanse again as a way to start over. It's been just a month since my last cleanse.

This time was just as easy as the last. I had more energy and I even felt better than before. So if you have done a cleanse and it was too horrible to repeat remember, you've cleansed a lot of toxins and it won't hurt as bad the next time if you do them even just a few times a year.

One important thing to remember: Get good fats in somehow. Each day take a tablespoon of olive oil or eat part of an avocado. If you neglect to do this there is a very real chance you will get gallstones when you come off the cleanse. The liver and gallbladder need to be lubricated.

On day two of the cleanse I had yet to eat any avocado and one of my kidneys was hurting so I immediately ate some and within the hour my kidney was fine. The fats are important, especially if you are cleansing longer than three days.

What to do when you come off the cleanse

Eat a diet high in fiber. You will majorly regret it if you don't.

Continue with the morning ritual of drinking prune or plum juice if you can stomach it, followed by apple juice and then distilled water. Just for the first break the fast part of the day. That will gently get your body working.

Eat fruits and vegetables as much as you can for the first few days. Find good vegetarian recipes if you don't want to snack on the raw veggies. Of course, raw fruits and veggies are the best.

Gently ease back onto other foods. Put off eating meat as long as you can, it's hard to digest and your body needs some time to adjust.

Of course, making adjustments to your overall diet is recommended at this time. Cut out red meats and dairy if you have problems with constipation or cholesterol. In our family we have decided to make those items special use ones, for special occasions or restaurants.

Don't jump into change too fast. If you try the "all or nothing" way, there is a good chance you won't make it. It's too hard. Start with what's easy and go from there.